Significantly reduce pain in as little as 2 weeks of treatment!
Welcome To Teen Sports Therapy
We offer an effective treatment for Osgood Schlatters disease, a common cause of knee pain in adolescent athletes. Try Oscon today and get your teenagers back to enjoying the sports they love.
Oscon Tablets - 90 Day Treatment (3 x 60 Softgels)
Buy OSCON Exclusively Online
OSCON is a clinically tested selenium that provides proved treatment and relief for Osgood Schlatters disease. You can purchase this treatment exclusively online from Teen Sports Therapy.
What is Osgood Schlatters?
Not sure what Osgood Schlatters is or if your child is suffering from it? Click here to follow our interactive guide.
What is Osgood Schlatters?
Traditionally in the UK, the only offered treatment for Osgood Schlatter is RICE or Rest Ice Compression Elevation and unfortunately, in many cases, this has proved inadequate. Telling children who love their sport and are achieving at high levels that they have to stop playing for anything from a few weeks to a year in the...Read More
About Severs Disease
Severs Disease is more specific to the heel area and was similarly named after Dr J.W. Sever in 1912. Severs disease occurs at the back of the heel bone, (calcaneus). Severs disease is directly related to overuse of the bone and tendons in the heel. This can come from playing sports or anything that involves lots of heel movements...Read More
What others have said
"We received the Oscon on Wednesday and my son went straight on to it. Although not 100% fit he managed to play a full weekend of football with very little knee pain. So far so good. He/we are amazed at the improvement considering on the Monday before the tablets arrived he could not run..."
"..Josh has been taking the tablets for 2 weeks now and currently having trials with Everton FC and awaiting trials with Aston Villa and has no pain what so ever in his knee, he is even doubting that he has ever had osgood schlatters in his left. I would like to thank you and to advise anyone that's contemplating on buying these tablets to get some they are amazing!"
Mr M
"After a month of no improvement (and much frustration) we decided to try Oscon, despite getting no encouragement from the medical teams. He started taking two tablets a day and within a week there was an immediate difference with a reduction in the swelling and less pain..."